How a Newsroom Software can transform corporate communications?

On 6 June, 2024
7 min
Newsroom software communication

In the digital era, companies face new challenges in managing their communications effectively. How is it possible to centralize information, coordinate teams, automate tasks and analyze results? a Newsroom Software provides concrete answers to these challenges and transforms the way communications departments work. Find out how this tool can revolutionize your practices and boost your performance.

1 - Centralising information for effective collaboration

Setting up a real-time collaborative space

By centralising all relevant information in a single tool, a Newsroom management tool makes it much easier for the communications team to access and manage content. Those days when data was scattered across different systems and departments are gone. Thanks to this real-time collaborative space, team members can work together seamlessly, sharing ideas and reviewing content to ensure consistent, high-quality communication.

Setting up a shared workspace also encourages better coordination within the team. Exchanges are simplified and everyone's actions are transparent, making corporate communications more effective. Let's take the example of a communications team in a 100-person company. With a Newsroom management tool like Wiztrust PR, each member can easily access the latest versions of press releases, visuals and content ready for distribution. No need to waste time searching for files in emails or shared folders. Everything is centralised and accessible in just a few clicks.

Organise and find content easily thanks to categorisation

To further optimise content management, Newsroom Software offers categorization and tagging functions. This means that every piece of content can be organized in a logical and intuitive way, making it much easier to find and use in the future.

Just imagine how much time and energy this saves your team. No more digging through endless folders or getting lost in a complex tree structure. With a well-thought-out categorisation system, you can access the items you need when you need them, with just a few clicks. For example, you can create categories by type of content (press releases, infographics, videos, etc.), by theme (events, products, CSR, etc.) or by target audience (journalists, influencers, customers, etc.). This means that each team member can quickly find the resources they need for their work, without having to call on their colleagues.


Advantages of centralisation

Benefits for the team

Easy access to information

Save time and increase efficiency

Smoother collaborative working

Reinforced coordination

Organised and categorised content

Fast, intuitive search

Updated versions available

Coherent, high-quality communication

2- Coordinating teams for consistent communication

Clearly define responsibilities and monitor progress

Co-ordinating communications teams is important to ensure that the company's messages are consistent and effective. Thanks to its task and calendar management functions, the newsroom tool enables responsibilities to be allocated and progress to be monitored.

Every member of the team knows exactly what needs to be done and by when. The risk of duplication or omissions is considerably reduced, and managers have an overall view of the progress of projects. Let's take the case of a communication campaign for the launch of a new product. With software like Wiztrust PR, you can assign the various tasks to the people involved: writing the press release, creating the visuals, preparing the posts on the social networks, sending them out to journalists, and so on. Everyone has visibility of the schedule and can update the progress of their tasks. The project manager can then check that everything is progressing as planned and adjust the plan if necessary.

Establish clear processes for content creation and validation

As well as allocating tasks, it's important to put in place well-defined processes for creating and validating content. Newsroom Software provides a framework with workflows tailored to your company's needs.

From drafting to publication, via review and approval, each stage is signposted and traceable. The risk of error is minimised and the quality of content is constantly assured. Imagine the validation process for a white paper. With Wiztrust, the first version drafted by the copywriter is automatically submitted to the editorial manager for proofreading, then sent to the legal department for checking. Once approved, the content is formatted by the graphic designer and previewed by the team before being published on the website and distributed by email. At each stage, those involved are notified and can annotate the document or validate it at the click of a button.

3- Automate tasks for greater efficiency

Schedule content distribution at the right times

One of the strengths of a Newsroom management tool is its ability to automate certain tasks. This is particularly true of content scheduling and distribution.

Thanks to its planning functions, you can prepare your publications in advance and schedule them at the most strategic times. There's no need to worry about sending them manually or being in front of your screen at specific times. The software takes care of distributing your content according to the established schedule, allowing you to concentrate on higher value-added tasks. For example, you can schedule your posts on social networks for the coming weeks according to the highlights of your news: product announcements, participation in a trade fair, publication of a study, etc. In this way, content is automatically distributed at the best time to reach your audience, even outside office hours.

Exploring the possibilities of automation to optimise workflows

As well as delivering content, the tool offers a host of automation options to streamline your workflows. From generating reports to managing contacts and tracking results, many tasks can be handled automatically.

This is an opportunity to rethink your organisation and identify the processes that would benefit from being digitised. Every minute you save on low added value activities is time invested in creativity, strategy and relationships with your audiences. Take press reviews, for example. Rather than spending hours scouring the media and compiling coverage manually, you can configure Wiztrust PR to do this for you. The software automatically scans thousands of sources, identifies mentions of your company and generates a comprehensive report with key metrics. You can then spend your time analysing this data and adjusting your press relations strategy.

Automate your communication tasks:

Identify time-consuming and repetitive tasks in your processes

Configure the software to handle these tasks automatically

Set up a distribution calendar to schedule your content at the best times

Analyse automatically generated reports to measure your results

Reinvest the time you save in strategic and creative activities

4- Analyse data to optimise future strategies

Use integrated analysis tools to identify trends

Data analysis is at the heart of any effective communications strategy. And the good news is that your Pressroom Software directly integrates the tools you need to measure your performance and make decisions.

In just a few clicks, you can access dashboards that give you an overview of the results of your actions. You can identify the best-performing content, the most effective channels, the subjects that generate the most engagement... This information enables you to refine your knowledge of your audiences and adapt your communications in line with the trends observed. Let's say you've issued a press release about your latest product innovation. With Wiztrust PR, you can track in real time the number of journalists who have opened your email, the media that have relayed the information, the spin-offs generated, etc. You can thus identify the angles that have most interested the press and you can adjust your sales pitch for future announcements.

Use reports to demonstrate the value of communication

The reports generated by a newsroom software are also great allies in improving the work of your internal team. With reliable data and relevant visualisations, you can clearly demonstrate the contribution of communications to the company's results.

Those days of impressions and guesswork are gone. You can quantify the ROI of your actions, assess the impact of your content, monitor the evolution of your reputation... These are all elements that attest to the character of your role and reinforce your credibility with management. Take the case of a monthly barometer sent to employees by the internal communications department. Thanks to the open and click statistics provided by Wiztrust, you can measure employee engagement. You can then adapt the format and content of this internal newsletter to best meet employee expectations. And above all, you can prove to your HR department that this is an effective way of uniting your teams.

To sum up, a tool for managing the Newsroom brings many benefits to corporate communications teams. It allows you to centralise information, coordinate teams efficiently, automate repetitive tasks and analyse performance to optimise future strategies. By adopting this tool, communications departments can gain in efficiency and impact to better serve the interests of their organisations.

A case study to illustrate the benefits:
With Wiztrust PR, Allianz was able to reference 1,500 pieces of content and create a dedicated space with 1,200 pieces of content for sales teams, eliminating duplication and reducing content production and management costs by 85%.

By choosing to invest in Newsroom Software, you are betting on performance and innovation. You are giving your team the means to excel and express their potential. You're laying the foundations for agile, data-driven and forward-looking corporate communications. An approach that creates meaning and value for your entire organisation.



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