How can you optimise your Newroom for better media relations?

On 3 July, 2024
7 min
How can you optimise your Newroom for better media relations?

With the media landscape changing so rapidly, it's essential for companies to adapt their press relations strategy. An optimised newsroom can significantly improve your company's visibility and make journalists work easier. By focusing on engaging multimedia content, intuitive navigation and a proactive relationship with the media, you can transform your newsroom into a real asset for your corporate communications.

1- Focus on engaging multimedia content

Integrate high-quality videos, infographics and photo

A modern press room needs to offer a variety of multimedia formats to grab journalists' attention and make it easier for them to understand your key messages. By integrating high-quality videos, infographics and photos, you make more attractice content and increase the chances of it being picked up and shared by the media.

Make sure that these visual elements are relevant, informative and visually appealing. They should complement and effectively illustrate the information presented in your press releases and articles. Don't hesitate to call on professionals to create high-quality multimedia content that positively reflects your company's image. For example, you could produce a behind-the-scenes video of a major event organised by your company, or create an infographic summarising the results of a sector study you've carried out.

Create infographics and data visualisations to illustrate your messages

Infographics and data visualisations are powerful tools for presenting complex information clearly and concisely. By creating attractive infographics to accompany your press releases, you make it easier for journalists and the public to understand your key messages.

Use these visual elements to highlight important statistics, illustrate trends or explain how your products or services work. Well-designed infographics will increase the impact of your communications and encourage your content to be shared on social networks, reaching a wider audience. Take, for example, a technology company that wants to showcase the benefits of its new cybersecurity solution. It could create an infographic comparing the performance of its product with that of its competitors, while illustrating the main cyber threats facing businesses.


Tyoe of contentType




Present the company's news, events or products in a dynamic and engaging way

Executive interviews, product demonstrations, behind-the-scenes events


Illustrate complex data, trends or processes clearly and visually

Performance comparisons, key stages in a project, study results


Bringing articles and press releases to life, illustrating products, teams and events

High-quality photos of products, teams, facilities and events

2- Making it easier to navigate and find information

Set up a clear structure with relevant categories

To help journalists find the information they need quickly, it's essential to organise your newsroom in a logical and intuitive way. Set up a clear navigation structure with well-defined categories such as "Press releases", "Multimedia resources", "About the company", etc.

Ensure that content is relevantly classified within each category and that the headings are self-explanatory. A well designed structure will make it easy for users to find their way around your newsroom and quickly find the items they are looking for, improving their experience and perception of your company. Imagine a journalist wanting to write an article about your company's launch of a new product. When they arrive in your press room, they should be able to access the "Product launches" category with one click and find all the press releases, visuals and information relating to this subject.

Create thematic folders grouping content by subject

As well as organising by type of content, it may be a good idea to create themed folders in your newsroom. Group relevant press releases, articles, images and videos around key topics related to your company or your sector of activity.

This thematic approach will make it easier for journalists to research a particular subject in greater depth. They will appreciate being able to quickly access a set of relevant and coherent resources, which will encourage them to use your content as a basis for their articles. For example, a company specialising in human resources management solutions could create themed dossiers on subjects such as "The digital transformation of HR", "Well-being at work" or "Training and skills development", bringing together all the relevant content for each topic.Pour optimiser la structure de votre salle de presse :

  1. Define clear, relevant categories based on the types of content and key subjects for your business

  2. Use explicit, descriptive headings for categories and content

  3. Create thematic folders grouping content around subjects of interest to your audience

  4. Ensure that navigation is intuitive and that content is easily accessible with just a few clicks

  5. Set up an effective search engine to enable users to find the information they need quickly

3- Developing a proactive relationship with the media

Offer personalised email alerts for new publications

To keep journalists interested in your company, set up a personalised email alert system. Offer them the chance to subscribe to your updates so that they can be informed in real time of new publications in your newsroom.

These targeted alerts make it easy for journalists to keep abreast of your company's news without having to check your site regularly. By delivering relevant information directly to their inbox, you increase the chances of your content being picked up and shared. For example, if you publish a press release about a strategic partnership with another company, journalists who subscribe to your alerts will immediately receive an email summarising the key information and inviting them to consult the full press release and associated resources in your newsroom.

Organise webinars and virtual press conferences

Use your press room to organise online events such as webinars or virtual press conferences. These interactive formats allow you to present your news, share your expertise and interact directly with journalists.

By inviting the media to these exclusive events, you strengthen your relationships and position your company as a source of information in your field. Journalists will appreciate the opportunity to get first-hand information and ask questions live, which will encourage positive media coverage. Let's say your company wants to present the results of a major study into trends in your sector. You could organise a dedicated webinar, during which your experts would present the main findings of the study and answer questions from participating journalists.

4- Demonstrate expertise and credibility

Highlight the company's honours and awards

Your press room is the ideal place to highlight the distinctions and awards received by your company. Devote a specific section to awards, nominations, certifications and other recognitions obtained in your field.

Present each award clearly, explaining its significance and importance. These elements testify to your company's excellence and reinforce its credibility with journalists and the public. They underline your position as a leader and expert in your sector, which will encourage the media to approach you for information and comments. For example, if your company has been named "Best Employer of the Year" in your sector, highlight this award in your press room, explaining the evaluation criteria and highlighting the initiatives that made you stand out.

Present your experts and their areas of expertise

Use your press room to present your company's experts and their specific areas of expertise. Create profiles highlighting their background, achievements and areas of expertise.

This information enables journalists to quickly identify the most relevant contacts for commenting on a given subject or answering their questions. By positioning your experts as references in their field, you strengthen your company's credibility and increase the chances of being quoted in the media. Let's say you work for a company specialising in cybersecurity. You could present the profiles of your experts in network security, data protection or cyber risk management in your press room, highlighting their certifications, publications and presentations at major industry conferences.

To highlight your company's expertise and credibility:

  • Present the prizes, awards and distinctions won by your company and your employees

  • Explain the significance and importance of each recognition for your sector of activity

  • Create detailed profiles of your experts, highlighting their backgrounds, achievements and areas of expertise

  • Include links to your experts' notable publications, speeches and achievements

  • Encourage your experts to share their vision and analysis of key trends in your industry.

In short, optimising your newsrooms involves creating engaging multimedia content, a clear navigation structure, a proactive relationship with the media and highlighting your expertise. By following these best practices, you can turn your press room into a real asset for your corporate communications, boosting your visibility and credibility with journalists and your audience.

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